

Recommended Books ⁻

“Look for what you notice but no one else sees.”

“In terms of priority, inspiration comes first. You come next. The audience comes last.”

“Zoom in and obsess. Zoom out and observe. We get to choose.”

“Of all the great works that we can experience, nature is the most absolute and enduring. We can witness it change through the seasons. We can see it in the mountains, the oceans, the deserts, and the forest. We can watch the changes of the moon each night, and the relationship between the moon and the stars.”

Favorite excerpts

“Thoughts are important. But not all thoughts are equal. The quality of your thoughts matters the most.”

“Inner calm. No matter what you experience in life, and no matter what happens to you, your mind should stay calm under all circumstances.

That’s the ultimate prize in life. Mastery of the mind means that we control our mind.

“We’re collectively thinking so much we’re missing out on life. And it has nothing to do with fancy things other people do. We all know that the beauty of life lies in the small things.”

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“Knowing when to follow the guidelines and when to break those guidelines in order to ensure consistency across platforms needs a certain level of experience and design mastery”

Favorite excerpt